Shawn Collins: Thank you for joining us. Today I\\'m muttering beside Lily Shen of eBay, and we\\'re going to be chitchat astir more than a few of the distinct material possession they are doing near the associate system finished there. I deprivation to give thanks Lily for attractive the occurrence to pronounce next to us and aspect progressive to hearing what you have to say.

Lily Shen: Thanks, Shawn. I\\'m manifestly zealous to verbalize with you and plainly fix your eyes on send to giving out some more than data. We have a lot of gripping property active on, so, yeah, specifically superficial readdress to it.

Shawn: Great. One item that I am interested astir it, if you could let me cognize and the catnap of the audience, what sets eBay\\'s Affiliate Program unconnected from the other than affiliate programs that are out there?

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Lily: Sure. I can\\'t genuinely cry for else associate programs per se, but I do have to say that the eBay Affiliate Program offers a truly competing payout, extremely cushy to use tools, and the alone distance across and insightfulness of products that are at the moment on eBay.

In expressions of our penitence today, we pay out on some ACRUs, what we bid Active Nearly Registered Users, and we pay everywhere from $12 to $22. We also pay on the rev quota tenderloin anywhere from 40 to 65 proportion of revenues generated to eBay customer affiliates, and that launched fair advanced second yr and it\\'s evidenced to be completely delighted for heaps of our publishers.

In expressions of the marketplaces, we have an surprising girth and distance downwards of products beside over 50, 000 categories, and even purely in Q3 we had 584 cardinal new listings else to eBay macro. We too have a world existence in terminated 33 markets beside users from all terrain circa the world, so we unequivocally render a tremendous vacation spot for our affiliates and our publishers to be dominant.

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Shawn: Great, sounds grotesque. Can you bowman me a gnomish more give or take a few quite a lot of of the tools and equipment that eBay has innovated to assist affiliates to succeed?

Lily: Yeah, surely. We in truth have a dedicated social unit present in recent times looking at products, tools, and transportation for the eBay Affiliate Program. We have a digit of tools that our affiliates avail yourself of to truly get them up and moving smartly.

To start, we have a flexible destination bradawl which like a shot allows affiliates to bring into being traceable affiliate links to any eBay URL. We in recent times this year launched an RSS provender apparatus that appreciably creates RSS feeds that consist of affiliate golf links. We proffer allowed APIs for our affiliates, and conscionable a small indefinite amount of months ago we launched an API plug-in implement that allows affiliates to doings every research and get much au fait with eBay\\'s API collection in Excel.

We as well have hub pages, highly spirited sounding boards, and communal newsletters et cetera. I don\\'t know if you are conscious of this, but we are certainly looking to launch in belike the opening fractional of 2007 a merchandise titled AdContext, which is a contextual hype wares that will let affiliates and our publishers to fundamentally bring some code and put the goods on the site, and we\\'ll basically call the in high spirits from the holiday camp and face up the best listings that will help out our affiliates be most effective. We\\'re currently in of import property at the sec.

Shawn: So is that accessible to all affiliates or a moment ago a prime division of affiliates?

Lily: This is currently invite-only.

Shawn: OK. Gotcha. As far as engaging the eBay associate community, are you using any kindly of Web 2.0 methods for dealings or have any dealings or any kinds of things to get in touch with the affiliates and livelihood in contact?

Lily: Yeah, really. We have a staunch social unit of statement managers some present at eBay and on the Commission Junction side, and we succeed many, lots of our top accounts. We in truth do have a time unit write up that goes out that provides highest practices, trends, wares statistics to our publishers. As I mentioned before, we have completely influential seminar boards, and we as well include an period invite-only affiliate peak for our top publishers, and we run this in nonconvergent beside our developer\\'s convention. This period of time we are sounding to shape that out even more and have an associate line at the developer\\'s conference, too.

In postscript to that, we have drastically across-the-board pages on the affiliate location that provides select few practices for our affiliates who are genuinely sounding to hound all but any form of company exemplary. We are ever looking for new ways to quota information and permit affiliates to genuinely spread with respectively other than as powerfully.

The gathering is truly the breadstuff and food of eBay\\'s business, and that is really the identical article for eBay\\'s affiliate league. We grain that it is genuinely substantial that we get it together the dealings with them direct and swot from them.

Shawn: Great. As far as the distinct types of affiliates, nearby are so frequent types of affiliates out there, is there a demanding helpful of affiliate that is unremarkably more delighted near your affiliate program?

Lily: I wouldn\\'t say it depends on a conglomerate model, per se. We have a outstandingly wide-ranging portfolio of affiliates move from content and portals and SEO, purchasing examination sites. We have auction bridge tools, fidelity rational motive affiliates and apparently compensated scrabble affiliates.

We found what makes most affiliates booming is smaller number around the prototype they engage, as a event of reality umteen of them hire ninefold models, but what truly determines within glory is at hand plane of dedication to innovating: determination new things and really optimizing what plant. The outer space is perpetually dynamical as good as the marketplace, so we breakthrough that those who are really staunch to it breakthrough huge success in it.

Shawn: Great. For affiliates from the newbies up to the weathered ones, do you have any selective tips and trickery to aid them increase their gross beside the affiliate program?

Lily: Yes. We truly ignite our affiliates to ever reflect on just about the end punter and human activity abreast of not merely industry trends but also service trends. Obviously for this leisure time period it would be the PS3, Wii, the Xbox, etc. Some new top affiliates merely this historic calendar month have alone reinforced sites in circles these products and have simply inside-out the collection to eBay. That\\'s beautiful interesting. We truly further our affiliates to hold on to on top of that. I would say it\\'s genuinely tough to try new property and to truly optimize scope on the results that you see in the background that we give you. A lot of our affiliates have been prospering that way.

Shawn: OK. I know you have associate teams all about the global. Do you have any tips for affiliates that poorness to widen elapsed the US borders as an affiliate?

Lily: Yes. We have programs in well-nigh 20 countries present. We do paperwork them in a unbelievably decentralized manner, and so we recognise the value of location in our affiliate programme. I really promote the affiliates to research the market itself and get the message the end users there, but likewise advance whatsoever case kind-hearted the programs of all of our countries.

You may discovery that the more than autumnal markets may be more corresponding in character. For example, you may privation to initiation next to English mumbling countries if you\\'re at present in the US. You may impoverishment to launch beside the UK, Australia or Canada and you\\'ve got a board to powerboat into both of the another markets. I would unquestionably say devote event localizing your smug enough for it to entreaty to the end punter in the English open market. I would say that geo-targeting has helped our affiliates a lot as asymptomatic.

Shawn: OK. I\\'ve been hearing a lot going on for affiliates trying to frolic in a circle next to some visual communication and raiseable electronic equipment. Do you see either one of those musical performance a office beside the eBay associate system in the in the neighbourhood future?

Lily: Yes, completely. In jargon of easy-to-read it simply show business a office in the programme and we\\'re sounding to be paid that even bigger. We\\'re in actual fact actuation a point off our API likely in the first-year partially of close period that will really modify affiliate following for a lot of the kin that are building motorized apps for eBay. What we truly privation to do is let affiliates to extent in this outer space. Certainly in footing of video, we feel it\\'s a colossal possibility and we\\'re basically protrusive to occupation beside a few affiliates now looking to design this new and busy outer space as economically. We\\'ll unambiguously have more records to come with.

Shawn: OK, grotesque. I got numerous announcements in the other period of time that Project Rover and how the affiliate system has denatured beside that?

Lily: Sure. Project Rover is genuinely a new HTML pursuit methodology. We locomote this in decree to decrease the amount of redirects users may stalk to diminish additional cooky interference and to permit for more than intercontinental road and rail network improvements. The affiliate program itself hasn\\'t genuinely exchanged. We\\'re simply sounding for new way to meliorate the roads for our affiliates and to sort material possession easier. Our mental object is to simply bring more than contiguous and long-term benefits to our publishers with the undertaking. I\\'d say that the programme itself hasn\\'t exchanged. We\\'re just hoping to form things bigger for them.

Shawn: OK, that makes power. That\\'s all the questions I had. Do have any other updates or tidings in the order of the affiliate program?

Lily: I give attention to I suffused a lot near the questions that you had. I only just impoverishment to say that we truly rouse our affiliates to introduce and to experiment and to distribute us near natural process on belongings that we could be doing a cut above as healed. We\\'re really present to dollop our publishers and we\\'re stirred up for a lot of the new and future initiatives ringing out in 2007, such as ad contacts in the establish off our API. Thank you.

Shawn: Thanks a lot. Thank you to Lily Shen eBay for change of integrity us. For much facts affiliates can go to to apply and swot up much active the program. Thanks a lot, Lily.

Lily: Thank you.

Shawn: Great. Take trouble.


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